Tasmanian Postal Stationery
Tasmanian Postal Stationery
By Malcolm Groom and Allen Shatten
Lists all that is currently known about Tasmanian Postal Stationery. This book is based on many years of collecting, studying and exhibiting Tasmanian Postal Stationery and contains a wealth of detailed information.
Profusely illustrated with rarity ratings and detailed explanatory text.
Price : $90: + p&p.
Postage and packaging within Australia: $20
184 pages, full colour, A4 size.
Hard bound, stitched sections, dust jacket.
66 in stock
Tasmanian Postal Stationery
By Malcolm Groom and Allen Shatten
Lists all that is currently known about Tasmanian Postal Stationery. This book is based on many years of collecting, studying and exhibiting Tasmanian Postal Stationery and contains a wealth of detailed information.
Profusely illustrated with rarity ratings and detailed explanatory text.
Price : $90: + p&p.
Postage and packaging within Australia: $20
184 pages, full colour, A4 size.
Hard bound, stitched sections, dust jacket.